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Tech Tip of the Week - Feb. 21, 2020

I fought against this one for a long time, but it has more value than I originally thought as a professional learning tool. I’m talking about Twitter. Just like every other “social media” platform, it is what you make of it. At first, it can be a bit like trying to sip water from a firehose. Realize you don’t have to read it all, so just relax and take whatever you get whenever you get the chance. The beauty of Twitter is that you will see what you follow. So here’s what you do… make a Twitter account specifically for professionals worth following. Here’s some recommendations… follow @DrBradJohnson, @jmattmiller, @teachbetterteam, @googledocs, @ericcurts, @burgessdave, @shakeuplearning, @JakeMillerTech, @danielrivera, and of course, @itsthemitchell. Want a crash course in using Twitter as a Professional Learning Network? Hit me up!


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