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Day 7

Day 7 - Difficulties mastered are opportunities won. - Winston Churchill

Yes, I took the weekend off... and you should too. If you're not sure why, go back and re-read Squatter 7.

Ya know those mornings where you have big plans, but you can't seem to get out of your email inbox? Yeah. Me too.

Don't let that stop you from dropping a comment below... or emailing me if you've got that address.

Speaking of video chat. For your video chat sessions with students, our recommended video chat client is meet.google.com. If you have students struggling to join a Zoom meeting, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help. I didn't bring home a student Chromebook to help diagnose problems... although, in retrospect, I likely should have.

Enough of the business talk, how are you holding out? For those of you of faith, were you able to "attend" a church service yesterday? I know our broadcast had some hiccups, but we'll get better every week.

That's what's important here. Get better every week.


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