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Tall Tech Guy - Vol 1

 Hopefully, you've seen The Squatter by now. If not, go back through my post history a little ways.

If you're not in the know, The Squatter is my attempt at clever Potty PD for the teachers I work with. This year, with all the extra challenges we're facing due to COVID, I thought it would be good to put out a few infographic style posters to help students properly care for their devices. Here is the first of those creations.

Speaking of creations, I am also learning a new platform while creating this content. This is the first graphic I created using Keynote instead of Canva. I'm not well versed enough to offer a pros and cons of each platform, but I intend to see just how far I can get creatively in Keynote. I like that it is an offline solution.

Anyway, here you go. Tall Tech Guy - Vol 1.


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